Physical Education
Sports studies – bachelor’s degree 
Studies on the faculty of Physical Education are directed to all enthusiasts of physical activity and sport, as well as people who value a healthy lifestyle. Specialisations to choose from,the description below is offered to those who wish to work as a coach, instructor or sport manager. Students who choose it, will also receive qualifications necessary to perform the profession of a medical caretaker. They will also receive a diploma of a 2nd degree trainer of a sport discipline of their choice.
During the classes, students acquire knowledge in physiology, biochemistry, biology, pedagogy, psychology and anatomy. The classes discuss upbringing, development and socialisation processes. In this way students master the methodical and didactic skills necessary when working with young people and people with whom they will work.
After completing the first-degree studies in physical education, the graduates can continue their education on the master’s (2nd degree) studies.
Graduates of these studies receive teaching qualifications (psychological and pedagogical preparation)
We offer a coaching specialisation of your choice:
- football coach,
- cycling coach,
- personal trainer,
- sport manager.
Graduates receive the following qualifications:
WSKFiT graduation diploma and Bachelor’s degree,
a diploma of a 2nd class trainer of a chosen sport discipline,
an optional certificate of completion of a post-secondary school in the profession of a medical caretaker
Specialist classes:
- 80 hours of classes in the selected coaching specialisation,
- coaching practice,
- specialist classes within the specialisation of a medical carer.
Students of this course additionally gain various instructor qualifications:
- survival training (after the camp),
- self-defence,
- water rescue (after a completed camp),
- recreation educators of children and youth (after a completed camp),
- recreation managers of children and youth (after the camp),
- fitness,
- bodybuilding,
- athletics,
- handball,
- football,
- basketball,
- volleyball,
- swimming.
Training courses end with the issuing of a sports instructor card.
Possibility of employment after first degree studies:
- primary schools,
- didactic and educational institutions,
- sports and recreation centres,
- sports clubs and associations,
- an instructor in a selected discipline,
- foundations and social organisations,
- governmental and self-governmental administration.
Tabela opłat dla studentów I stopnia (licencjackich) WF
opłata rekrutacyjna | czesne za semestr na studiach niestacjonarnych | |
Wariant pierwszy – jednorazowy | 85 zł | 2 100 zł |
Wariant drugi – ratalny | 85 zł | 480 zł (1 z 5 rat) |
Second cycle studies – Master’s degree 
The first in Poland, one and a half year master studies on the faculty of Physical Education !!!
Choosing the specialisation of Physical Education the candidate can choose one and a half year master studies stationary, as well as one and a half year master studies not stationary.
Graduates will be prepared for professional work in schools on all levels of education, in institutions of physical culture, local and state administration, social organisations, scientific and research institutes and institutions dealing with consulting and dissemination of knowledge in the field of physical activity. The graduates are also prepared for independent economic activity.
Graduates receive teaching qualifications entitling them to work in all types of schools (psychological and pedagogical preparation).
Graduates will obtain qualifications: master’s degree in physical education.
We guarantee:
- three terms of studies !
- study sessions on Saturdays and Sundays every fortnight !
- fixed tuition fees for the whole period of studies !
Selected subjects for one and a half years of Master’s studies:
- individual sports: tennis, table tennis, swimming, field la, self-defence, roller skating, cycling, skating,
- elective subject: sport for the disabled, special physical education,
- elective subjects: sports medicine, hygiene and prevention in physical education and sports,
- Humanities elective subjects: Philosophy, Sociology,
- sport team games to choose from: beach volleyball, Polish team games, football (5-man), rugby, floorball,
- Subject of choice: internal security, crisis management,
Sports studies on favourable terms.
Halina Konopacka Academy of Physical Education and Tourism in Pruszków offers studies in physical education of the first and second degree. Studying sport in WSKFiT is a professionally prepared didactic offer for students planning to tie their professional career with widely understood sport.
Our PE studies offer a number of opportunities for additional competence improvement and acquiring new skills in physical education.
Graduates who have completed our sports studies programme can successfully find employment in both sports organisations and schools. The thorough theoretical and practical preparation that PE studies provide translates into a high degree of freedom to choose a job and the satisfaction that comes with it.
The teaching staff includes, among others:
Prof. dr hab. Romuald Stupnicki
He graduated the Faculty of Biology and Earth Sciences, University of Warsaw, specialisation – physiology and biochemistry. D. (biochemistry), habilitation (physiology of reproduction), professor of natural sciences. Until 1985 he worked at the Institute of Animal Physiology and Nutrition PAS in Jablonna (endocrinology of animal and human reproduction). In the years 1976 – 1989 at the Institute of Sport – he organised the first anti-doping laboratory and edited Biology of Sport until the journal entered the so-called Philadelphia List. In the years 1989-2005 he worked at the Academy of Physical Education in Warsaw, he was the Head of Doctoral Studies and the Senate Commission for Science.
Since 2012he has been employed at the WSKFiT. In the years 1976 – 1997 he was an expert of the International Atomic Energy Agency. He is an author of 180 publications (reproductive endocrinology, exercise and stress, statistics, anthropology) and several academic textbooks on statistics. A promoter of 10 doctoral theses and many master’s and bachelor’s theses.
Dr hab. Anna Kęska
She is the Doctor of Physical Culture Sciences, a graduate of postgraduate studies in the field of rational nutrition, nutrition and health at the Aleksander Szczygieł Food and Nutrition Institute in Warsaw. In 2006 she obtained a doctoral degree in physical culture, Faculty of Physical Education, AWF in Warsaw.
Her scientific interests and implemented research projects concern the influence of physical activity on body structure and physical fitness of people of different ages. She has been a contractor or a manager of several statutory projects. She has participated in many national and international scientific conferences. She prepared a series of expert articles for the National Centre for Nutrition Education (NCEŻ) within the KIK34 programme (SWISS CONTRIBUTION) and a series of popular science articles commissioned by the Institute of Food and Nutrition in Warsaw.
She is a manager and lecturer of studies and workshops carried out within the framework of European and other international and national programmes: Studies for teachers of the second subject (Postgraduate Studies „Physical Education”), Postgraduate Studies „Nutrition and dietary support in sport”, Workshop „Nutrition of children and adolescents”. A manager of 10 editions of postgraduate studies „Nutrition and dietary suport, Nutrition and dietary support in sport” and lecturer on these studies (also on postgraduate studies: Sport Psychology, Personal Trainer, Motor Coach).
Dr hab. Maria Górska-Zabielska, prof. WSKFiT
Scientific achievements and popularisation of knowledge:
An author of three monographs and about 200 articles in Polish and foreign scientific journals. She conducts knowledge transfer at numerous scientific conferences in Poland and abroad. She takes care of knowledge dissemination in professional and scientific-popular periodicals and through geointerpretation of the environment at open lectures and during walks in the region.
Research interests:
– potential of geodiversity of the natural environment of Wielkopolska, Pomerania, Mazovia and Kielce region for development of geotourism,
– stone architecture of secular and sacral cultural heritage of north-western Poland in the light of Scandinavian eratics analysis,
– geozasources of Pleistocene glaciomarginal zones of central Poland – their identification, protection and dissemination
– identification of Scandinavian source areas of glacial sediments, including erratic boulders, in the context of geochronological identification of sediment
– petrography of mid-grained gravels of late Vistulian glacial deposits in north-western Poland (Wielkopolska, Western Pomerania). Petrography of mid-grained gravels of late Vistulian glacial deposits in north-western Poland (Wielkopolska, Western and Central Pomerania) and in north-eastern Germany (Mecklenburg and Vorpommern)
– petrography of mid-grained gravels of glacial deposits of the younger part of the Middle Polish complex in northern Mazovia
– Fennoscandian erratics of sediments of glacial accumulation of the Leszno, Poznañ and Pomeranian phases of the Plenivistulian of NW Poland and NE Germany and of the Odra and Warta glaciation of the Middle Polish complex in the Kielce region and Mazovia,
– characterisation of selected textural features of glacial sediments (granulometry, processing, rounding and matting of the surface of quartz grains, composition of heavy minerals),
Dr Jerzy Chełmecki
A graduate of the Academy of Physical Education in Warsaw and the Faculty of History of the University of Warsaw, Doctor of Humanities. An academic and didactic employee of Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw. His scientific research focuses on social and political conditions of sport development in Poland in the 19th and 20th century. An author of 2 monographic works and studies of historical sources, 10 editions of collective scientific monographs, 89 original scientific works, an academic handbook to the history of sport and scientific reviews, bibliographic entries, popular science works and press articles.
Dr Katarzyna Pec
She is the Doctor of Physical Culture Sciences, a graduate of Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw. She completed a master’s degree in physical education and bachelor’s degree in tourism and recreation.
An author of speeches and scientific publications on professional burnout of physical education teachers and physical activity of children and young people. A winner of an award for young scientists for the work: „Participation of Polish youth in various areas of physical activity” during the pre-Olympic congress: „2008 International Convention on Science, Education and Medicine in Sport” 1-4 August 2008 in Guangzhou, China. A winner of the International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education award for the article: „Professional Burnout among Polish Physical Education Teachers”, during the conference „The 16th Biennal Conference of the International Society for Commparative Physical Education and Sport 2008 – Global Merging: A New Era for Sport and Physical Education” 23-26 July 2008 in Macau, China.
A teacher of physical education, English and biology at school in Warsaw, a repeated organiser of camps for children and young people, an instructor of corrective gymnastics, an instructor of sport disciplines: swimming, sports gymnastics, downhill skiing.
Dr Marzena Kurzak
AThe graduate of doctoral studies at the Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw, a graduate of postgraduate studies in educational management at the Educational Research Institute MENiS (2004) and postgraduate studies in biology and nature at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) (2018r), a methodical advisor of them. For 20 years she has taught physical education at the Bilingual Middle School No 42 in Warsaw, an academic teacher at the WSKFiT H. Konopacka in Pruszków.
The author of several dozen scientific and methodical publications and a winner of the Ministry of National Education award in 2012 for taking the third place in the third edition of the competition for the development of model curricula.
Additional qualifications: master’s specialisation in recreation and tourism, tennis instructor, swimming instructor, gymnastics instructor.
Dr Regini Romuald
A graduate and long-term employee of the Academy of Physical Education in Warsaw, among others: the Head of the Department of Athletics, Deputy Director of the Sports Institute, a member of the Senate.
A coach of first-class athletics, among others: a coach of the junior national team in high jump, a deputy head of training at the Polish Athletics Association, a methodical coach at the Warsaw Sports Federation, an athletics coach at the AZS Warsaw, a vice-president of the Warsaw Regional Athletics Association, a coordinating coach at the „Gymnasion” Sports and Recreation Centre in Warsaw.
Since 2021, he has been the Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education and Health at the College of Physical Culture and Tourism in Pruszków.
Sports interests: she practices running and weight training.
Dr Alicja Gorący
A psychologist, psychotherapist, a graduate of the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Warsaw, a specialization in clinical and forensic psychology, the Doctor of Physical Culture Sciences, for many years an academic teacher. From 1972-76 at the University of Warsaw at the Institute of Pedagogical Teacher Training, from 1984 to 2012 at the Academy of Physical Education in Warsaw, the Deputy Director of the Institute of Humanities for didactics. Participation in the implementation of own topics, statutory topics, grants concerning the issues of stress and aggression at football stadiums.
A practising psychologist at the Psychological and Pedagogical Outpatient Clinic, a school psychologist at the Life School, Sports Championship School, General Secondary School, a private psychological practice.
In the years 1976-84 she was a research worker in the departmental Sports Institute, she provided psychological care for the national judo and wrestling teams. She has cooperated with numerous sports associations on staff training.
Since the academic year 1999-2000 an academic teacher at the WSKFiT in Pruszków, she has been conducting lectures and exercises in general psychology, human development, educational, social and sport psychology. Since 2012 she has been the Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education and Health. Under her supervision, over four hundred bachelor’s, master’s and final theses have been completed. An author of over 50 publications, mainly in the field of sport psychology.
Her interests include personality problems, anxiety, stress, and aggressive behaviour.
Dr Mariusz Hrycyna
The Doctor of Physical Culture Sciences, a graduate of University of Physical Education in Warsaw. Specialisation: human anatomy, biomechanics of the human motor system, exercise and physical training physiology, training theory, bodybuilding, swimming. He is a personal trainer, an instructor of weightlifting, sports gymnastics, volleyball and sailing.
A lecturer at universities on the following majors: physical education, physiotherapy, dietetics. He also trains instructors and trainers in bodybuilding, modern forms of training such as personal training, functional training, post-traumatic training, deep stabilisation and stretching. Apart from these specialisations, he devotes a lot of attention to issues of posture correction and dietetics.
Dr Aida Piskorz
A graduate of the University of Warsaw. In 2004 she received a PhD degree in pedagogy.
She has been working at the University since 2008, conducting lectures at bachelor’s, master’s and postgraduate studies and as a promoter of bachelor’s and master’s theses. Her scientific research focuses on the issue of the teacher’s work, taking into account changes in educational law, didactics and pedeutology.
Dr Marek Zieliński
The Doctor of Physical Culture Sciences, a qualified teacher of the second degree of professional specialisation, an educator in the field of improving educational management, an educator of the „New School” programme in the field of supporting changes in the school didactic programme, postgraduate studies in the field of organisation and management of education, the 1st class sports gymnastics instructor, a volleyball instructor, an aerobics and step aerobics training – 1st degree, a participant of international conventions and methodical workshops in aerobics and step aerobics.
In 1993, he was appointed a methodical advisor in the field of PE at the Provincial Methodical Centre in Włocławek, and then at the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Centre for Teacher Education, and (until 2013) at the Centre for Improvement and Education in Włocławek. As a methodological advisor he has lectured on qualification courses in pedagogy, corrective-compensatory gymnastics, pedagogical therapy and on in-service courses for candidates for tutors in leisure centres for children and young people.
Dr Marcin Smolarczyk
The Doctor of Medical Sciences and Health Sciences in the field of physical culture, a long-term employee of the Department of Sports Games at the Warsaw University of Physical Education, a coach of the highest class of sports handball (EHF Master Coach – level 4 of the RINCK Convention). He has led youth teams at the level of national teams and senior teams in the Super League and the First League. Since 2016, as a European Handball Federation Lecturer (EHF Lecturer) he conducts trainings for handball coaches organised in Europe (EHF) and in Poland (ZPRP).
Dr Tomasz Maziarczyk
The Doctor of Physical Culture Sciences, a certified teacher, a bodybuilding instructor, a multiple Polish championship medalist and Polish champion in canoeing, a swimming instructor, a judge of the Polish Canoe Association, a judge of the Polish Swimming Association, a personal trainer with many years of experience.
Interests: antique motorization
Dr Przemysław Płoskonka
The Doctor of Physical Culture, a university lecturer specialising in issues related to qualified (active) tourism and the outdoors. A consultant of projects in the field of physical culture and responsible tourism. A leader of social movements of outdoor and nature-forest education. An alumnus of the Krakow School of Sports Championships, and later a representative of AZS AWF Warsaw in swimming. A graduate of the Faculty of Physical Education at the Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw.
Faithful to the pragmatic principle of J. Dewey of learning by doing, he created at the University the foundations of modern outdoor activities consistent with the message of the pedagogy of adventure. An author of over 30 scientific publications, a participant of international research projects and scientific conferences.
An experienced tour leader, an organizer and manager of qualified tourism events and adventure expeditions. Currently he is involved in the activities of the largest social organisation dealing with the art of survival – the Polish Survival School Association.
He has numerous instructor qualifications and completed courses in survival, climbing, kayaking, swimming, diving, sailing, ski-touring, and water rescue. In his free time, he is an avid kayaker and does not avoid nights in the forest under a starry sky. He tries to keep fit and swims regularly.
In 2016, he was awarded the Bronze Cross of Merit for the development of education.
Dr Roman Szkup
A socio-economic geographer, specialising in the geography of tourism, tourism and recreation for twenty-some years. A graduate and research and teaching staff member of the University of Łódź (currently: Institute of Urban Geography, Tourism and Geoinformation, University of Łódź). A long-term associate of the Halina Konopacka University of Physical Culture and Tourism in Pruszków – among others the creator and co-author of the following curricula: business tourism and incentive tourism; a lecturer and travel organiser.
An author of a number of scientific publications on hotel geography (hotels in urban space) and tourism development (tourist accommodation and accompanying facilities in urban and rural areas, use of summer allotments, family allotment gardens (ROD) in urban space, ROD as a place of rest and recreation). An author of studies on field research methods in tourism and forms of business tourism.
He always smiles and likes students – he approaches himself, all adversities and the increasingly absurd reality with a distance…
Dr Paweł Kapuściński
Since his childhood he has been associated with handball. A coach of EHF level 3 handball. A member of the senior women’s national team and the girls’ national team 2006,a coach of the women’s first league team AZS AWF Warsaw, a basketball, volleyball and canoeing instructor.
Dr Agnieszka Kostyra
The Doctor in medical sciences and health sciences in physical culture sciences discipline at the Academy of Physical Education and Sport in Gdańsk. A graduate of 2 postgraduate studies and numerous training courses. An author of several scientific publications on sport. She also has many years’ experience as a swimming coach in sports clubs for children and adults and as an active primary school physical education teacher.
Tabela opłat dla studentów II stopnia (magisterskie) WF – trzy semestralne !!!
opłata rekrutacyjna | czesne za semestr na studiach niestacjonarnych | |
Wariant pierwszy – jednorazowy | 85 zł | 2950 zł |
Wariant drugi – ratalny | 85 zł | 590 zł (1 z 5 rat) |
Kierunek posiada pozytywną ocenę Państwowej Komisji Akredytacyjnej – decyzja 2017r.
Zapraszamy na studia podyplomowe na kierunku wychowanie fizyczne.